Friday, March 12, 2010

Review of : The Wavering Knife (Stories) by Brian Evenson

What a strange, dark, original, little collection. Surreal at times, all-too-real at others (see what I did there?). I don't remember exactly where I first came across Evenson's name but he comes with much acclaim. Everyone seems to agree that the story 'Promise Keepers' is far and away the best (and one of the most disturbing) of the collection. It's also pretty darn funny.

Some other noteworthy stories are 'White Squares', 'The Intricacies of Post-Shooting Etiqutte', 'Virtual', 'Barcode Jesus', and 'House Rules'. Evenson seems to be big on 'ideas' (which I know is vague and stupid of me to say) though sometimes his execution seems to fall a little short...and sometimes they're just so bizarre that I just don't know what in tarnation is going on. I mean, what the hell was 'The Progenitor' about?

One guy remarked how the font sucked and while this might seem shallow, I'm gonna have to go ahead and agree with him. The font was oddly distracting and I can't help but wonder how simple things like that (bad font choice) get that far down the editorial line to the point of publishing the bad font choice.

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